21Apr2023Netflix has announced the release date for the next installment of the French mystery thriller series Lupin, starring Omar Sy as the titular heist master. Lupin Part 3 is scheduled to make its debut on October 5 — over two years after the first...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
24Jan2023Oops, another case where I ordered something in a Kino Lorber sale because I didn't recognize it but thought it sounded good, though the reason it sounded good was because the description was actually that of a movie I've seen and enjoyed. Well, goo...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
28Aug2022I'm mildly surprised that the Schmidt family didn't make it to Montreal for Island of Lost Girls on Saturday morning. I imagine that Covid throws a wrench in that sort of thing, but I also suspect that if I'd somehow made a film with my family like...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
11Aug2022Folks, Marc Lamothe was pretty excited to welcome Patrice Leconte (l) to Montreal for this screening of Maigret. I could only extract a little bit from the Q&A, because it was pretty much entirely in French, and, ironically enough, I tapped ou...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
19Jul2022Hello, day that always screws the posting schedule up! You've come early this year. Sunday was a day for guests, and though there's usually a pretty good line-up at the shorts programs, it was just Paul Arion of "Fieldtrip" this year, a...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
16Jul2022Welcome to the last non-marathon day of the festival! From here out, it's long days and falling behind on the blog. Friday was a day of tough-ish decisions, with both My Small Land and Swallowed in de Seve not exactly having ideal second showtimes...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
29Jan2022Not related to the movie itself at all, really, but for the second time in as many weeks, I was clumsy in getting my popcorn into a stable position while managing soda, coat, and backpack, this time spilling just about the whole container all over th...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
5Aug2021In a typical year, I'm taking a bunch of time off work and heading up to Montreal for most of July, which means that going down to New York for a weekend beforehand is kind of hard to justify, although that hasn't stopped me in the past. Last year w...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
4Mar2021So, as I post this, you've got another couple hours to rent Jumbo from The Coolidge, although (if what showed up on my screen when I did is correct), you can wait a while before starting it, which beats what I did with Psycho Goreman, where I rented...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
3Mar2021Is it fair that, every time I see a new movie with Julie Delpy, I check IMDB to see if it's time to check in on Jesse and Cecille yet? No. I do not do this when I see something with Ethan Hawke, after all. What's up with that? (This time, though,...
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