Fantastic Fungi

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Hey, it's a (semi) new release during the pandemic! It's one of two currently playing at the Virtual Coolidge Corner Theatre, and the easiest to watch on my TV - I'd kind of meant to get the Vimeo app downloaded to my Roku anyway. Also, $5, with a...

The Woman Who Loves Giraffes

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Gone from Boston, I'm afraid, as this was a last-chance special, where I show up at Kendall Square on the last day, it's in theater 9, and just well-enough attended that I ponder the question of whether they should have kept it around another few day...

Shortlisted Oscar Docs: Honeyland, Aquarela, The Great Hack, and Apollo 11

By: Jay's Movie Blog


For the second year in a row, the Oscar-shortlisted documentary features sneaked their way into AMC Boston Common for five bucks a show, which means you can do this without much pinch, even saving Stubs A-List spots for other things later in the week...

The Aeronauts

By: Jay's Movie Blog


First things first - The Aeronauts isn't perfect, but it's kind of my thing in a way that a certain movie last week wasn't, and with the Coolidge only having so many 70mm showtimes, with a few being preempted to show something else in the big room, I...

Apollo 11

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Man, I would have liked to see this in Imax, but its limited North American run in the format came while I was overseas on vacation, and the giant screens there were split between Alita and Captain Marvel where I was. No big deal, I saw awesome sigh...

This That Week In Tickets: 16 April 2018 - 22 April 2018

By: Jay's Movie Blog


I think this was a kind of busy work week, although not necessarily in the way such weeks usually work out. It was a week of Agile project-planning stuff at work, which often means a lot of time stuck in meetings and unwanted after-work activitie...

Independent Film Festival Boston 2018.04: Tre Maison Dasan, The New Fire, Never Goin' Back, and Don't Leave Home

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Ah, Saturday at IFFBoston, the longest day. It used to be you could squeeze five movies out of the festival this day - they would know who the truly hardcore were by who raised their hand for 18 movies at the last show and who had managed 19, but no...

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story

By: Jay's Movie Blog


It's mildly disappointing that things didn't line up so that one could have done a double feature of Bombshell and Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool at the Kendall; the Boston runs of the two are separated by a month and that might have been a bit mo...

That Week In Tickets: 6 December 2015 - 12 December 2015

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Idea for next year - a movie-ticket Yahtzee game with other folks who have MoviePass or who just otherwise see a bunch of movies in a week. This week's tickets, for instance, would get me 25 points for a full house I knew something like this was...

The Fantasia Daily 2015.14 (27 July 2015): The Blue Hour, The Visit, Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen, and The Interior

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Pictures and anecdotes later; only so much time between laundry and movies today. Today's plan: Catch Me Daddy, Robbery, dinner, Cop Car, and Fatal Frame. The Visit is recommended, and note that those first two are playing in Hall rather than de Se...

Merchants of Doubt

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Only a couple days left for this one in Boston, and I'm not totally sure I want to recommend it. It's a pretty good movie, sure, and I learned some things and had other details clarified as I watched it, but the question then becomes whether that's...

The Fantasia Daily 2014.12: The Creeping Garden, Hana-Dama: The Origin, Guardian, Creep

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Every year, I spend one week of Fantasia working mornings to make sure stuff from the office doesn't fall too far behind. This is that week, and it started great with my work laptop's password having expired and my phone opting to drain rather than...

This Week In Tickets: 17 March 2014 - 23 March 2014

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Quiet week, what with being busy at work and having a good chunk of my weekend claimed. Not particularly complaining, mind you: There have been weeks at work when I have worried I'm not doing enough to be kept on, and the weekend was a chance to...

Particle Fever

By: Jay's Movie Blog


You know you live in Cambridge, MA, when the opening night screening of a documentary on the physicists working on the question of the Highs Particle draws a packed house. It probably didn't hurt that the theater was on the Red Line's Kendall/MIT s...

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